Showing 1-9 of 9 results

Amit Sharma

Expertise : Animal science, Food technology, Nanotechnology
Rate : (USD) 100 / hr

Arpita Sharma

Expertise : Deep learning
Rate : (USD) 50 / hr

Freelancer KK

Expertise : AI, Food technology/Food engineering
Rate : (USD) 130 / hr

Sharad Prakash

Expertise : Image reconstruction, Machine learning, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology
Rate : (USD) 20 / hr

Raman Kapoor

Expertise : Animal science
Rate : (USD) 400 / hr

Sidharth Gautam

Expertise : Image processing
Rate : (USD) 222 / hr

Tom Cruise

Expertise : Food technology
Rate : (USD) 450 / hr

Peter While

Expertise : Deep learning
Rate : (USD) 200 / hr

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